Thank you very much for your reply, lan.
In your reply, you said that there is no concept of multiple VMs being registered to receive a single interrupt. For disk interrupt or network interrupt, every virtual machine needs to read or write data from or to disk or network card. I can not understand why there is no concept of multiple VMs being registered to receive a single interrupt.
I am waiting and looking forward to your reply!
At 2013-03-18 19:36:12,"Ian Campbell" <Ian.Campbell@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>On Sun, 2013-03-17 at 13:18 +0000, zhangwqh wrote:
>> Hi, all
>> These days I read the source code about xen interrupts. When physical
>> interrupts arrive, in xen source code, do_IRQ will decide which will deal
>> with the physical interrupt, by xen or the guest os. If the physical
>> interrupt should be dealt with by guest os. Then the case __do_irq_guest()
>> will be executed. In __do_irq_guest() function, the corresponding event
>> channel will be delivered to the guests that are registered the irq. My
>> question is that in the guest os, how to decide whether the irq is to
>> itself? Eg, a guest A request a file from a disk, after the disk finished to
>> get the file, will generate a disk interrupt. The disk interrupt should only
>> be delivered to the guest A. Maybe all of the guest virtual machines
>> registered the disk interrupt. __do_irq_guest will deliver the disk
>> interrupt to all of the virtual machines. In the virtual machine, how to
>> decide the disk interrupt was generated by its requested file?
>Even channels are per domain, so if a guest receives one then it knows
>inherently that it is for itself.
>There is no concept of multiple VMs being registered to receive a single