win-pv-devel Mail Thread Index
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH] Make DMA interception less chatty in free builds,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH] XENBUS_MONITOR: don't delete the registry value until a reboot is pending,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH 1/3] Make sure we don't end up with duplicate PDOs,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH] Fix locking and teardown bugs in controller frontend,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH] Make sure trailing whitespace is trimmed from log messages,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH] XENBUS_MONITOR refinements,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH] Fix compatibility with older backends,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] Signed 8.1.0 drivers,
Brandon Shoemaker
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH v2] Fix VS2012 builds,
Paul Durrant
- Re: [win-pv-devel] [Xen-users] GPLPV defunct?,
Lars Kurth
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH] Fix VS2012 builds,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] Signed 8.1.0 drivers,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH 1/2] Add the missing package name to the INF file,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH] Add the missing package name to the INF file,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH 1/2] Add missing names to the INF file,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH 1/4] Add a new monitor service,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] Win-pv driver install success fails to boot,
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH 1/2] Clean up watches, suspend handlers and events on D0->D3,
Owen Smith
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH] Reduce priority of suspend thread,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH 1/3] Affinitize watchdog threads,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH] Avoid lock contention between receiving CPUs,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH] Recreate watch on resume from suspend,
Owen Smith
- Re: [win-pv-devel] [XENVIF] Patch for Unexpected Initial States of XenVif,
Eytan Heidingsfeld
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH 1/2] Only break FrontendBackend thread loop when alerted,
Ben Chalmers
- [win-pv-devel] Patch for Unexpected Initial States of XenVif,
Eytan Heidingsfeld
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH] An ioctl should fail on any invalid argument,
Ben Chalmers
- [win-pv-devel] xenvif DPC timeout,
Rafał Wojdyła
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH] Clear Unplug keys when PDO names change,
Paul Durrant
- [win-pv-devel] [PATCH 0/6] Replace WMI LiteAgent with IOCTL xenagent,
Owen Smith
- [win-pv-devel] On the state of non-test-signed WinPV drivers,
Stephen Oberholtzer
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