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Re: We are not able to virtualize FreeBSD using xen 4.17 on Arm 32 bit

On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 04:10:50PM +0100, Roger Pau Monné wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 03:09:14PM +0100, Mario Marietto wrote:
> > For booting a FreeBSD kernel as a guest OS on XEN,should we install xen
> > 4.18 from source ?

> I don't think so, I'm not aware of the FreeBSD port requiring a
> specific version of Xen.  I do think the work is limited to aarch64
> however, so there's no support in sight for arm32 FreeBSD guests as
> far as I'm aware.

I've only ever tried arm64, but since arm32 didn't appear to need much
to have operational I tried to make it possible.  In theory it /should/
work on arm32, but I've never tried it.  What was missing was I had never
added it to the configuration and one link was needed.  Updated "submit"
branch has the tiny adjustment.

(the only difference is the hypercall wrappers, register naming and where
the op code goes, very simple compatibility)

On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 02:45:40PM +0100, Roger Pau Monné wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 03:04:30PM -0800, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> > BTW Roger Pau Monné, now that Xen 4.18 is out, take a look at the
> > "royger" branch?
> I've pushed a bunch of those, there are still some, I've made comments
> on the branch.
> I think there isn't much left after the swept I've done.
> If you can rebase and reply to the comments I will take a look at
> what's remaining.

Done.  I'm unsure you'll like the xs_attach_children() approach.  Thing
is that really is appropriate given the situation.  #2 is the urgent one
as that is the handy approach to the hypercall declarations.

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