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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH v7 18/20] osstest: introduce a script to create a FreeBSD flight

Roger Pau Monne writes ("[PATCH v7 18/20] osstest: introduce a script to create 
a FreeBSD flight"):
> The logic to create a FreeBSD build job is added to
> make-freebsd-flight. This includes creating a FreeBSD build job, and
> also testing the output of that build job (by creating another build
> job that depends on the output of the first).
> Note that the FreeBSD build job needs some input in order to setup a
> FreeBSD host, and that can be fetched from different places:
> 1. Env variable FREEBSD_<arch>_BUILDJOB: use the output from a
> previous build-<arch>-freebsd job.
> 2. Env variables FREEBSD_DIST and FREEBSD_VERSION: set before calling
> into make-flight, provide the path to the installer image and sets
> folder and the version being installed.
> 3. Config file FreeBSDDist and FreeBSDVersion: same as 2. except that
> they are set on the config file.

Acked-by: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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