Hello Chris,
If you have created your VM from the “Other install media” template, then XenServer will boot it as an HVM guest.
This is governed by the following parameters on your VM:
HVM-boot-policy ( RW): BIOS order
HVM-boot-params (MRW): order: dc
HVM-shadow-multiplier ( RW): 1.000
PV-kernel ( RW):
PV-ramdisk ( RW):
PV-args ( RW):
PV-legacy-args ( RW):
PV-bootloader ( RW):
PV-bootloader-args ( RW):
Try using ‘xe vm-param-set’ to clear the HVM-boot-policy and HVM-boot-params keys, and set PV-bootloader to “pygrub”.
Now, this would only work if the kernel of your guest is a PVOPS one (3.x), or specially compiled for Xen, which may not be the case.
The guest vm is non-hvm and the host is non-hvm, so viridian=true should be OK? Also, other guest vms are running fine with viridian=true.
Many thanks,
On 4 Apr 2014 00:55, "David Bomba" < turbo124@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ok, so from my understanding, you can't run a HVM guest with VIRIDIAN set to true.
Can you use the xe vm-param-set functionality to switch Viridian to false and try again.
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