Thanks, adding that key allowed me to create and start a VM successfully. That gets me over that hurdle.
Of course, when I reboot the server that key disappears. I don’t see a xenopsd service on my system anywhere… should that get installed as part of xcp-xapi? I noticed a couple other wrinkles like I don’t see any entries in the xenstore for the dom0 console and I am unable to connect to the dom0 console via xencenter. Maybe this is all related?
Thanks again,
From: Dave Scott [mailto:Dave.Scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 8:54 AM
To: John Weber; xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: xen-api on debian not updating xenstore?
I managed to reproduce a problem with the same symptom as yours.
Try this workaround: log into your debian dom0 and type:
$ sudo xenstore-write /local/domain/0/vm hello
When xapi adds a device it performs a sanity-check that the backend domain exists. It does this by reading the “vm” key from /local/domain/backend-domid. In the case of domain 0, this key isn’t being written. Normally xapi will create all the /local/domain/0 entries:
let domain0_setup () =
with_xc_and_xs (fun xc xs ->
let already_setup = try ignore(xs.Xs.read "/local/domain/0/name"); true with _ -> false in
if not already_setup then begin
(* Write an initial neutral target in for domain 0 *)
let di = Xenctrl.domain_getinfo xc 0 in
let memory_actual_kib = Xenctrl.pages_to_kib (Int64.of_nativeint di.Xenctrl.total_memory_pages) in
(* Find domain 0's UUID *)
let uuid = Xapi_inventory.lookup Xapi_inventory._control_domain_uuid in
(* setup xenstore domain 0 for blktap, xentop (CA-24231) *)
xs.Xs.writev "/local/domain/0" [ "name", "Domain-0"; "domid", "0"; "vm", "/vm/" ^ uuid ];
I think some other entity is writing the “name” key but not the “vm” key.
In the latest unstable xapi, most of the xenstore interaction has been delegated to a new service called “xenopsd”. We should move this code into xenopsd and make it more robust at the same time.
I’ve been working on getting xen-api working on Debian Wheezy. I followed the installation instructions and have gotten to the point where I can connect to the server with XenCenter and attempt to create a VM. I create a VM from the Debian Squeeze template (or any other for that matter), but I can’t get it to start. The error in the log is:
Internal error: the device disappeared from xenstore (frontend (domid=1|kind=vbd|devid=51712); backend (domid=0|kind=vbd|devid=51712))
Poking around a bit I noticed that my xenstore looks suspiciously empty:
root@debian:/home/jweber# xenstore-ls
tool = ""
xenstored = ""
local = ""
domain = ""
0 = ""
name = "Domain-0"
memory = ""
dynamic-min = "1168384"
dynamic-max = "1168384"
mh = ""
boot-time = ""
management-mac-address = "00:04:4b:05:56:14"
Seems pretty clear that I messed something up during the install, but I couldn’t find any obvious errors in the log files pointing me in the right direction. I’ve tried reinstalling a couple times now eventually arriving at the same blocking point. Any words of wisdom from the experts would be greatly appreciated.