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Re: Installing a Linux Guest Using Only The XAPI CLI?

For example: I've attempted to create a CentOS guest by following the instructions in Section 5 of the Citrix XenServer 7.2 Virtual Machine User's Guide...

1. I've made the contents of the CentOS installation image available via NFS: On the lab NFS server...
# mount -t iso9660 /srv/images/ISO/CentOS-7.7-x86_64-Minimal.iso /srv/pkgs/ISO/

2. I've created the VM:
# xe vm-install template=CentOS\ 7 new-name-label=CentOS7-2 sr-uuid=21044441-dfba-9293-408b-41379e194718

3. I've created the VIF:
# xe network-list bridge=xenbr0
uuid ( RO)                : 47a6223e-74d0-b75d-bec3-0ca6324b498c
          name-label ( RW): Pool-wide network associated with eth0
    name-description ( RW):
              bridge ( RO): xenbr0

# xe vif-create vm-uuid=2a56158d-9759-03af-568a-648399d5754f network-uuid=47a6223e-74d0-b75d-bec3-0ca6324b498c mac=random device=0

4. I've configured the installation repository:
# xe vm-param-set uuid=2a56158d-9759-03af-568a-648399d5754f other-config:install-repository=nfs://

5. I've started the guest:
# xe vm-start uuid=2a56158d-9759-03af-568a-648399d5754f

# xe vm-list name-label=CentOS7-2 params=dom-id,uuid,name-label,power-state
uuid ( RO)           : 2a56158d-9759-03af-568a-648399d5754f
     name-label ( RW): CentOS7-2
    power-state ( RO): running
         dom-id ( RO): 1

But the guest doesn't have an entry in Xenstore (so I'm not able to connect to the guests's console to perform the installation):
# xenstore-read /local/domain/1
xenstore-read: couldn't read path /local/domain/1

What have I done wrong?

Eric Pretorious
Reno, Nevada

On Thu, Nov 3, 2022 at 4:39 PM Practical XenServer <practicalxenserver@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello, All!

I'm looking for a good reference for installing a Linux guest in XCP-ng/XenServer using only the XAPI CLI. (I've read Section 5 of the Citrix XenServer 7.2 Virtual Machine User's Guide, "Creating Linux VM's". But it's lacking some details. So I'm looking for something more complete.)

Are there instructions available for doing that?

Eric Pretorious
Reno, Nevada

On Thu, Nov 3, 2022 at 4:39 PM Practical XenServer <practicalxenserver@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello, All!

I'm looking for a good reference for installing a Linux guest in XCP-ng/XenServer using only the XAPI CLI. (I've read Section 5 of the Citrix XenServer 7.2 Virtual Machine User's Guide, "Creating Linux VM's". But it's lacking some details. So I'm looking for something more complete.)

Are there instructions available for doing that?

Eric Pretorious
Reno, Nevada



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