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Destroying an HVM Zombie [Guest]

I've created a CentOS-7 VM from the CLI by following the instructions in the "Citrix XenServer 7.2 Virtual Machine User's Guide":

# xe network-list | grep -B1 eth0
uuid ( RO)                : 47a6223e-74d0-b75d-bec3-0ca6324b498c
          name-label ( RW): Pool-wide network associated with eth0

# xe pool-param-list uuid=e3cdb4f9-6589-2ac2-f08a-9318a8a48a61 | grep default-SR
default-SR ( RW): 21044441-dfba-9293-408b-41379e194718

# xe vm-install template=Red\ Hat\ Enterprise\ Linux\ 7 new-name-label=CentOS7-1 sr-uuid=21044441-dfba-9293-408b-41379e194718

# xe vif-create vm-uuid=2f343ae1-0d57-ef21-6a54-6abe7b7264c6 network-uuid=47a6223e-74d0-b75d-bec3-0ca6324b498c mac=random device=0

# xe vm-param-set uuid=2f343ae1-0d57-ef21-6a54-6abe7b7264c6 other-config:install-repository=nfs://

# xe vm-start uuid=2f343ae1-0d57-ef21-6a54-6abe7b7264c6

But I'm not able to connect to the VNC console because the guest doesn't seem to have an entry in Xenstore:

# xe vm-list | grep -B1 -A1 CentOS
uuid ( RO)           : 2f343ae1-0d57-ef21-6a54-6abe7b7264c6
     name-label ( RW): CentOS7-1
    power-state ( RO): running

# xe vm-param-list uuid=2f343ae1-0d57-ef21-6a54-6abe7b7264c6 | grep dom-id
dom-id ( RO): 1

# xenstore-read /local/domain/1
xenstore-read: couldn't read path /local/domain/1

And I'm not able to shutdown or destroy the VM:

# xe vm-suspend uuid=2f343ae1-0d57-ef21-6a54-6abe7b7264c6
You attempted an operation on a VM which lacks the feature.
vm: 2f343ae1-0d57-ef21-6a54-6abe7b7264c6 (CentOS7-1)

# xe vm-shutdown uuid=2f343ae1-0d57-ef21-6a54-6abe7b7264c6
You attempted an operation on a VM which lacks the feature.
vm: 2f343ae1-0d57-ef21-6a54-6abe7b7264c6 (CentOS7-1)

# xe vm-destroy uuid=2f343ae1-0d57-ef21-6a54-6abe7b7264c6
You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.
vm: 2f343ae1-0d57-ef21-6a54-6abe7b7264c6 (CentOS7-1)
expected: halted, suspended
actual: running

How can I destroy this VM?

Eric Pretorious
Reno, Nevada



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