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Re: [Xen-users] Debian packages for xen3 + kernel images for dom0/U

> I just wanted to let all interessted debian users know, that on my xen3 
> repository are now kernel images available for dom0/U.
> My Xen3 packages are using the latest xen3-testing (changeset 8269) and are 
> available for sid, sarge & etch as well as for 32bit, 32bit-pae and 64bit. 
> The kernel image is with a std. xen config.
> So there is no reason for compiling your own kernel on a debian system 
> anymore, unless you need something very special. For such a case there is a 
> "linux-patch-xen" package which applies to a vanilla 2.6.12 source tree (and 
> converts it to a
> If someone wants to use the new packages, please add the following two lines  
> to /etc/apt/sources.list:
>  deb http://packages.debianbase.de/<DISTRO>/<ARCH>/xen3 ./
>  deb-src http://packages.debianbase.de/sources/xen3 ./
> If you need 32bit + PAE instead, use the following two lines:
>  deb http://packages.debianbase.de/<DISTRO>/<ARCH>/xen3-pae ./
>  deb-src http://packages.debianbase.de/sources/xen3-pae ./

Thank you very much for doing this.  I was just about to report kernel
compilation errors for the latest unstable Xen source when I saw this
message.  But sarge/i386/Packages.gz is missing so presently "apt-get
update" will not work.

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