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Re: [Xen-users] working xen domU kernel with PHYSDEV_ACCESS?

2005-05-02, h keltezéssel 18.19-kor Mark Williamson ezt írta:
> You should just be able to use the dom0 kernel itself - have you tried that?

That works. Ok.
I think I've misunderstood something in the docs/list archives.
As I understand, the privileged guest (dom0 kernel) has full privileges
to the xen command interface (so that can manage domains) and is a
backend for other domains. The docs also says that a block device
backend can't be a block device frontend, so that can't use a device
from an other backand (the Domain-0 for example). But it seems that it
Can I disable the PRIVILEGED_GUEST option of the dom0 kernel when I want
to use that one as a guest with physical device (some pci device)

Krisztian Czako

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