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[Xen-ia64-devel] Weekly Xen-IA64/VTI status report.

  • To: <xen-ia64-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: "You, Yongkang" <yongkang.you@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 13 May 2006 00:20:40 +0800
  • Delivery-date: Fri, 12 May 2006 09:25:54 -0700
  • List-id: Discussion of the ia64 port of Xen <xen-ia64-devel.lists.xensource.com>
  • Thread-index: AcZ14AHZM2NaIFBqSOCK+vhdOKMelw==
  • Thread-topic: [Xen-ia64-devel] Weekly Xen-IA64/VTI status report.

Hi all,

In this week, Xen0 met 1 day building fail and xenU seemed not too stable. VTI 
domain has not show stop bug.

Major Issues:
1. After create VTI domain and XenU for several times (sometimes creating multi 
domain at the same time), XenU maybe not be created successfully. Serial port 
report " Domain 49 (vcpu#0) crashed on cpu#3 ". I put the log to attachment. 
When XenU can not be created, but VTI domain can be created successfully. I 
didn't find the effective way to reproduce. Just meet 3 times. This issue is 
found in Cset 9992 and 9996.
2. xend.log reports "DEBUG (blkif:24) exception looking up device number f
or hda1: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/hda1' " when creating xenU. 

I just found above two issues and didn't report it to mailing list separately. 

Bugs fixed:
1. Xen0 (more than 270 times) and XenU kernel build won't meet "Segmentation 
Fault". ***
2. VTI domain won't crash when running LTP testing cases.
3. Qemu Window disappeared issue also didn't be found for several days.

For nightly testing, most of cases could pass. Case 5 (2 XenU coexisting) are 
failed in nightly testing because the issue 1. But it can pass when running 
alone. Please see the attachment for the detail. I will put some information 
about full LTP testing (including stress) of VTI domain next week.

1 UP VTI creating/destroying                            Pass
1 UP XenU creating/destroying                           Pass
LTP testing in UP VTI                                           Pass
1 UP VTI + 1 XenU creating/destroying           Pass
2 UP XenU creating/destroying                           Pass
2 UP VTI creating/destroying                            Pass

Test Environment:
    Machine                     : Itanium 2 on Tiger4
        Xen Source tree : xen-ia64-unstable
    Changeset           : 9866 -> 9996
        Build method            : make -j5 with default kernel config.
        Xen0 Memory             : 768M
        XenU Memory     : 256M/512M
        VTI Memory              : 256M/512M
    Xen0 OS                     : RHEL4 U2 (with nosmp config)
    VTI OS                      : RHEL4 U2 (vcpus=1)
    XenU OS                     : RHEL4 U2 (with nosmp config)

Best Regards,
Yongkang (Kangkang) 永康

Attachment: xenU_create_calltrace.txt
Description: xenU_create_calltrace.txt

Attachment: ww19.txt
Description: ww19.txt

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