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Re: [XEN PATCH] xen: add acmacros.h to exclude-list.json

On 2023-12-19 11:51, Nicola Vetrini wrote:
On 2023-12-19 11:37, Jan Beulich wrote:
On 19.12.2023 10:02, Nicola Vetrini wrote:
--- a/docs/misra/exclude-list.json
+++ b/docs/misra/exclude-list.json
@@ -209,6 +209,10 @@
           "rel_path": "include/acpi/acglobal.h",
           "comment": "Imported from Linux, ignore for now"
+        {
+          "rel_path": "include/acpi/acmacros.h",
+          "comment": "Imported from Linux, ignore for now"
+        },

Together with what's already there (in context), wouldn't it better be
the entire directory then which is excluded, or at least all
include/acpi/ac*.h collectively (and perhaps also


+Cc Luca Fancellu

Sure. I wasn't certain which files are imported from ACPI CA and which aren't. I'm also not sure whether "include/acpi/ac*.h" would be properly recognized by other tooling that uses exclude-list.json (only cppcheck I think). I Cc-ed Luca Fancellu on this.

It occurred to me that it's surely ok to use "include/acpi/ac*" and "include/acpi/platform/ac*".

Nicola Vetrini, BSc
Software Engineer, BUGSENG srl (https://bugseng.com)



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