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Re: [RFC XEN PATCH v3 2/3] x86/pvh: Add (un)map_pirq and setup_gsi for PVH dom0
- To: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
- From: "Chen, Jiqian" <Jiqian.Chen@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 02:47:18 +0000
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- Cc: "Daniel P . Smith" <dpsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Wei Liu <wl@xxxxxxx>, Anthony PERARD <anthony.perard@xxxxxxxxxx>, Juergen Gross <jgross@xxxxxxxx>, Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>, "xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Hildebrand, Stewart" <Stewart.Hildebrand@xxxxxxx>, "Deucher, Alexander" <Alexander.Deucher@xxxxxxx>, "Ragiadakou, Xenia" <Xenia.Ragiadakou@xxxxxxx>, "Stabellini, Stefano" <stefano.stabellini@xxxxxxx>, "Huang, Ray" <Ray.Huang@xxxxxxx>, "Huang, Honglei1" <Honglei1.Huang@xxxxxxx>, "Zhang, Julia" <Julia.Zhang@xxxxxxx>, Roger Pau Monné <roger.pau@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Chen, Jiqian" <Jiqian.Chen@xxxxxxx>
- Delivery-date: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 02:47:42 +0000
- List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xenproject.org>
- Thread-index: AQHaK4ebBv/EWT+No0GAUR8lU4172LCkNzqAgAGFPID//6gjAIABpqIA
- Thread-topic: [RFC XEN PATCH v3 2/3] x86/pvh: Add (un)map_pirq and setup_gsi for PVH dom0
On 2023/12/12 17:30, Jan Beulich wrote:
> On 12.12.2023 07:49, Chen, Jiqian wrote:
>> On 2023/12/11 23:31, Roger Pau Monné wrote:
>>> On Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 12:40:08AM +0800, Jiqian Chen wrote:
>>>> --- a/xen/arch/x86/hvm/hypercall.c
>>>> +++ b/xen/arch/x86/hvm/hypercall.c
>>>> @@ -72,8 +72,11 @@ long hvm_physdev_op(int cmd,
>>>> XEN_GUEST_HANDLE_PARAM(void) arg)
>>>> switch ( cmd )
>>>> {
>>>> + case PHYSDEVOP_setup_gsi:
>>> I think given the new approach on the Linux side patches, where
>>> pciback will configure the interrupt, there's no need to expose
>>> setup_gsi anymore?
>> The latest patch(the second patch of v3 on kernel side) does setup_gsi and
>> map_pirq for passthrough device in pciback, so we need this and below.
>>>> case PHYSDEVOP_map_pirq:
>>>> case PHYSDEVOP_unmap_pirq:
>>>> + if ( is_hardware_domain(currd) )
>>>> + break;
>>> Also Jan already pointed this out in v2: this hypercall needs to be
>>> limited so a PVH dom0 cannot execute it against itself. IOW: refuse
>>> the hypercall if DOMID_SELF or the passed domid matches the current
>>> domain domid.
>> Yes, I remember Jan's suggestion, but since the latest patch(the second
>> patch of v3 on kernel side) has change the implementation, it does setup_gsi
>> and map_pirq for dom0 itself, so I didn't add the DOMID_SELF check.
> And why exactly would it do specifically the map_pirq? (Even the setup_gsi
> looks questionable to me, but there might be reasons there.)
Map_pirq is to solve the check failure problem. (pci_add_dm_done->
xc_domain_irq_permission-> XEN_DOMCTL_irq_permission->
pirq_access_permitted->domain_pirq_to_irq->return irq is 0)
Setup_gsi is because the gsi is never be unmasked, so the gsi is never be
registered( vioapic_hwdom_map_gsi-> mp_register_gsi is never be called).
> Jan
Best regards,
Jiqian Chen.