Hi all,
please find attached
a) Meeting details (just a link with timezones) – the meeting invite will follow when we have an agenda
Bridge details – will be sent with the meeting invite
I am thinking of using GotoMeeting, but want to try this with a Linux only user before I commit
c) Call for agenda items
A few suggestions were made, such as XPTI status (if applicable), PVH status
Also we have some left-overs from the last call: see
== Meeting Details ==
Wed April 11, 15:00 - 16:00 UTC
International meeting times: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2018&month=4&day=11&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=224&p2=24&p3=179&p4=136&p5=37&p6=33
== Agenda Proposal ==
We start with a round the table call as to who is on the call (name and company)
=== A) Coordination and Planning ===
Coordinating who does what, what needs attention, what is blocked, etc.
A1) Short-term
Any urgent issues related to the 4.11 release that need discussing
A2) Long-term, Larger series
Please call out any x86 related series, that need attention in the longer term. Provide
* Title of series
* Link to series (e.g. on https://lists.xenproject.org/archives/html/xen-devel, markmail, …)
* Describe any: Dependencies, Issues, etc. that are relevant
=== B) Design, architecture, feature eupdates related discussions ===
Please highlight any design/architecture discussions that you would like to cover. Please describe
* Design, point to any mail discussions
* Describe clearly what you are blocked on: highlight any issues
=== C) Demos, Sharing of Experiences, Sometimes discussion of specific issues/bugs/problems/... ===
Please highlight any of the above that you would like to cover. Please describe
* What the issue/experience/demo is that you would like to cover
=== D) AOB ===