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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH v4 10/16] osstest: add support for runtime_IDENT_hostflags

On Thu, Jul 06, 2017 at 04:28:09PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Roger Pau Monne writes ("[PATCH v4 10/16] osstest: add support for 
> runtime_IDENT_hostflags"):
> > +sub set_runtime_hostflag ($$) {
> > +    my ($ident,$value) = @_;
> > +
> > +    store_runvar("runtime_${ident}_hostflags", $value);
> This function suggests that you can do this
>    set_runtime_hostflag('host', 'freebsd-version-4.7');
>    set_runtime_hostflag('host', 'share-host-freebsd-4.7-xxxx-yyyy');
> but of course that won't work.
> I like the implied interface better than the one which implicitly
> overwrites all previous runtime hostflags.


> Should set_runtime_hostflag take a $ho, instead ?  Can you ever see us
> using it without a $ho ?  If not then it probably should.

I'm sorry but I don't follow. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to use the
$ho parameter, neither get_hostflags or store_runvar take such a
parameter. From the text above I thought that you wanted something

sub set_runtime_hostflag ($$) {
    my ($ident,$value) = @_;

    $value .= ','.get_runvar_default("runtime_${ident}_hostflags", $job, '');
    store_runvar("runtime_${ident}_hostflags", $value);

But I'm not sure.

Thanks, Roger.

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