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Re: [Xen-devel] Xen on Qualcomm
Hi Julien, The information will help me a lot. Let me discuss with Qualcomm people regarding virtualization extensions.
Thank You.
Regards, Suresh
On 07/11/16 12:39, Suresh Kanzariya wrote:
> Hi Julien/Sameer,
Hello Suresh,
> On Thu, 3 Nov 2016 at 16:09 Suresh Kanzariya <skanzariya@xxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:skanzariya@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> I have not build it yet, but before I started building and porting
> on 410 platform, I just want to make feasibility whether it is
> possible or not?, Because as I said earlier Qualcomm uses its own
> hypervisor that is QHEE, so just wanted to conform whether 2
> hypervisor run simultaneous or not and if not what are the possible
> changes are required in xen hypervisor to make it run on 410 platform.
I already answered to this question earlier. It is not possible to run 2
hypervisors on the same platform. Xen requires virtualization extensions
so you will have to remove QHEE in order to run Xen.
However this was a latent bug exacerbate by this platform.
> Also does anyone did it before as the earlier link i shared stats
> that Xen crashes on Qualcomm platform, but I don't find any
> information about the platform.
Based on the description of the patch, Xen was crashing on "Qualcomm
server" platform. I believe that Qualcomm 410 is targeting smartphone.
> So It will be great if someone can spread more lights on this.
> My specific questions are below.
> 1. does xen run on Qualcomm 410 platform? if not what are the
> reasons and if it can run what are the possible changes are required?
From a Xen point of view, we only require hardware with virtualization
extensions (from your previous mail, it seems to be the case). You can
have more details about porting Xen to a new platform here [1].
Now, the question is whether the software stack allows you to use
virtualization extensions. I will let Qualcomm answer on this one as I
don't know the platform.
[1] https://schd.ws/hosted_files/xensummit2016/eb/slides.pdf
Julien Grall
Xen-devel mailing list