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[Xen-devel] [PATCH OSSTEST 8/8] Debian: Use dtbs from kernel dist when booting that kernel

The kernel dist built by ts-kernel-build puts the corresponding dtbs
into /boot/dtbs/$kvers.

The host installers dtbs remain in /boot/dtbs and are used when
booting the native kernel.

It's possible that this change will expose bugs which exist in the
DTBs in previous kernel branches (3.18 and 4.1). I've not
investigated, I think we should accept this possibility and deal with
it via backport requests (and maybe some force pushes if appropriate)
as necessary.

Signed-off-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
 Osstest/Debian.pm | 11 +++++++----
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Osstest/Debian.pm b/Osstest/Debian.pm
index 75fd7bf..4df1b74 100644
--- a/Osstest/Debian.pm
+++ b/Osstest/Debian.pm
@@ -141,11 +141,14 @@ sub uboot_common_kernel_bootargs ($)
     return @bootargs;
-sub uboot_scr_load_dtb () {
+sub uboot_scr_load_dtb (;$) {
+    my ($kvers) = @_;
+    $kvers ||= '';
+    $kvers .= '/' if $kvers;
     return <<END;
 if test -z "\\\${fdt_addr}" && test -n "\\\${fdtfile}" ; then
-    echo Loading dtbs/\\\${fdtfile}
-    ext2load scsi 0 \\\${fdt_addr_r} dtbs/\\\${fdtfile}
+    echo Loading dtbs/$kvers\\\${fdtfile}
+    ext2load scsi 0 \\\${fdt_addr_r} dtbs/$kvers\\\${fdtfile}
     setenv fdt_addr \\\${fdt_addr_r}
@@ -228,7 +231,7 @@ END
        my $early_commands = get_host_property($ho, 'UBootScriptEarlyCommands', 
        my $xen_addr_r = get_host_property($ho, 'UBootSetXenAddrR', undef);
-       my $load_dtb = uboot_scr_load_dtb();
+       my $load_dtb = uboot_scr_load_dtb($want_kernver);
        my $set_xen_addr_r =
            $xen_addr_r ? "setenv xen_addr_r $xen_addr_r" : "";

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