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Re: [Xen-devel] [rumpuserxen baseline test] 26359: tolerable FAIL

Ian Campbell writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] [rumpuserxen baseline test] 26359: 
tolerable FAIL"):
> This set of tests suggests that rump kernels are i386 only, or we are
> only using i386 rumpkernels, is that right?

Hrm, I have been using i386 just because that happened to be my build
environment but it looks like the rump kernel setup is supposed to do
amd64 too.

I haven't looked at how hard it would be to fix that.  It's tempting
just enable the -amd64 test and see what falls out.

> I've always had it in mind that in the absence of other requirements
> (e.g. pvgrub kexec) stubdoms would be better off being 64 bit, since
> they can take advantage of the larger address space and being single
> address space applications don't suffer from syscall overhead.



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