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Re: [Xen-devel] HVM crash system on AMD APU A8-6600K

On 03/02/14 13:58, Vitaliy Tomin wrote:
> lspci output attached.
> I have never managed to crash system with debug=y, but I can provide
> serial log captured with debug=y and HVM domain running up.

That is a curious data point - it would imply that debug mode is doing
something which non-debug mode fails to do.

Could you provide the log please?

Can you explain "=== whole system crashed ===" a little more.

Given the lack of stack trace or any hint of a problem from Xen, is it a
system hang?  Does adding "watchdog" to the Xen command line cause the
failure to change?

Looking back at the debug=n serial log in combination with the PCI topology,

(XEN) AMD-Vi: No iommu for device 0000:00:00.2
(XEN) setup 0000:00:00.2 for d0 failed (-19)

Device 00:00.2 is the IOMMU itself.  I would have thought applying IOMMU
translation to the IOMMU is going to end in tears. Suravee; Can you
comment about this?  is the IOMMU expected to have an IVRS entry?


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