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Re: [Xen-devel] [OSSTest PATCH [RFC] 4/4] make-flight: Fedora guest tests

Dario Faggioli writes ("[OSSTest PATCH [RFC] 4/4] make-flight: Fedora guest 
> +      case ${xenarch} in
> +       amd64) fedora_domUarches="x86_64 i386";;
> +       i386)  fedora_domUarches="";;
> +       # No ARM for now. Fedora has, from F18 on, an ARM version, and it
> +       # all should work, but I haven't had the chance to test it in
> +       # standalone mode.
> +       #armhf) fedora_domUarches="armhfp";;
> +      esac
> +
> +      for domU in $fedora_domUarches ; do
> +        for dist in "19" "20-RC1" ; do
> +       job_create_test test-$xenarch$kern-$dom0arch-fedora$dist-$domU 
> test-fedora xl \

This puts the Fedora arch name in the job name.  I think it would be
better if our job names used a consistent arch naming scheme (i.e.,
the Debian one).

According to your 0/4 message, this creates a large number of new test
jobs, but you're patching the ordinary make-flight.  So I think this
isn't really suitable as it is.

Probably what we want is one or two extra jobs in the existing flights
(for testing new Xens still work with released Fedora) and a new more
comprehensive kind of flight for testing Fedora RCs.


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