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Re: [Xen-devel] Passing Xen memory map and resource map to OVMF

On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 10:33 AM, Wei Liu <wei.liu2@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all
> Currently OVMF determines memory size by consulting CMOS, then it makes
> up memory map of its own.
> Consulting memory size by reading CMOS limits the RAM size to 1TB as
> there's only 3 bytes from 0x5b-0x5d in CMOS, where the upper memory size
> is stored.
> And from Xen's point of view, OVMF should use the memory mapped passed
> by hypervisor (from hvmloader) instead of making up its own.
> To solve the above two problems all in one go, I plan to pass necessary
> information (io resource, mmio resource) to OVMF from Xen.  I will
> construct the table / structure in hvmloader then hook up platform pei
> code when OVMF is running on Xen.
> The first thing that comes in mind is to reuse E820 table for memory map
> plus some extra fields for io / mmio resources. But I guess UEFI is the
> new world so stuffs like E820 from old world will be less popular. Any
> suggestion on existing table / data structure I can use?

Is OvmfPkg/Include/Guid/XenInfo.h helpful on the OVMF side?

Regarding E820 structures, I guess I'd suggest copying the E820
structures from
IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Csm/LegacyBiosDxe/LegacyBiosInterface.h into a
new OvmfPkg/Include/IndustryStandard/E820.h file.


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