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[Xen-devel] 4.2 TODO / Release Plan

Plan for a 4.2 release:

The time line is as follows:

19 March        -- TODO list locked down
2 April         -- Feature Freeze
30 July         -- First release candidate      << DONE
Weekly          -- RCN+1 until release          << WE ARE HERE

We released RC1 last week. Many of the known issues are now fixed in
Mercurial and I expect rc2 will follow once we have a test push has
happened (an infrastructure failure prevented this from happening over
the weekend).

The updated TODO list follows.

hypervisor, blockers:

    * None

tools, blockers:

    * libxl stable API -- we would like 4.2 to define a stable API
      which downstream's can start to rely on not changing. Aspects of
      this are:

        * Interfaces which may need to be async:

            * libxl_device_pci_add (and remove). (Ian C, DONE)

    * xl compatibility with xm:

        * No known issues

    * [CHECK] More formally deprecate xm/xend. Manpage patches already
      in tree. Needs release noting and communication around -rc1 to
      remind people to test xl.

    * calling hotplug scripts from xl (Linux and NetBSD) (Roger Pau
      MonnÃ, DONE)

    * Block script support (Ian C, DONE)

    * [CHECK] Confirm that migration from Xen 4.1 -> 4.2 works.

    * [BUG] libxl__devices_destroy has a race against
      plugging/unplugging devices to the domain which can result in
      over- or under-flowing the aodevs array (Roger Pau MonnÃ, Ian
      Jackson, DONE)

    * Bump library SONAMES as necessary.

hypervisor, nice to have:

    * vMCE save/restore changes, to simplify migration 4.2->4.3 with
     new vMCE in 4.3. (Jinsong Liu, Jan Beulich)

tools, nice to have:

    * xl compatibility with xm:

        * None

    * libxl stable API

        * libxl_wait_for_free_memory/libxl_wait_for_memory_target.
          Interface needs an overhaul, related to
          locking/serialization over domain create. IanJ to add note
          about this interface being substandard but otherwise defer
          to 4.3. (DONE)

    * xl.cfg(5) documentation patch for qemu-upstream
      videoram/videomem support:
      qemu-upstream doesn't support specifying videomem size for the
      HVM guest cirrus/stdvga.  (but this works with
      qemu-xen-traditional). (Pasi KÃrkkÃinen)

    * [BUG] long stop during the guest boot process with qcow image,
      reported by Intel: http://bugzilla.xen.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1821

    * [BUG] vcpu-set doesn't take effect on guest, reported by Intel:

    * Load blktap driver from xencommons initscript if available, thread at:
      <db614e92faf743e20b3f.1337096977@kodo2>. To be fixed more
      properly in 4.3. (Patch posted, discussion, plan to take simple
      xencommons patch for 4.2 and revist for 4.3. Ping sent)

    * [BUG] xl allows same PCI device to be assigned to multiple
      guests. http://bugzilla.xen.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1826

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