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Re: [Xen-devel] [Patch] remove unneeded test for cpu in cpupool

  • To: Keir Fraser <keir.xen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • From: Juergen Gross <juergen.gross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 11:36:43 +0100
  • Cc: "Przywara, Andre" <Andre.Przywara@xxxxxxx>, "xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Delivery-date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 03:37:26 -0700
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On 03/16/11 11:13, Keir Fraser wrote:
On 16/03/2011 06:34, "Juergen Gross"<juergen.gross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:


attached patch removes an unneeded check in vcpu_migrate().

Andre, could you please give it a try on your 48 core machine with

xl cpupool-numa-split

I'd like to make sure the check is really not needed. On my machines it worked
okay, but your machine seems to trigger races more easily.
Could you BUG_ON failing this test when we exit the retry loop? It seems a
suitable loop post-condition.
Not easily. The cpu_valid mask of a cpupool might change between the call of
pick_cpu and the test. In the normal case this is okay, as removing a cpu
from a cpupool (which is the critical case) will call cpu_disable_scheduler()
after removing the cpu from the mask, which will migrate the vcpu away.

Using a saved copy of cpu_valid for the test isn't working either, if a cpu
is added to and removed from the cpupool in a very short time. I would have
to use a generation count for the cpu_valid mask and do the check only if
the count didn't change. I think this is little bit of overkill here, but if
you'd prefer it, I can do a patch.


Juergen Gross                 Principal Developer Operating Systems
TSP ES&S SWE OS6                       Telephone: +49 (0) 89 3222 2967
Fujitsu Technology Solutions              e-mail: juergen.gross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Domagkstr. 28                           Internet: ts.fujitsu.com
D-80807 Muenchen                 Company details: ts.fujitsu.com/imprint.html

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