I had a master of the pool fail. I did the following on the slave in the pool,
xe pool-emergency-transition-to-master
xe pool-recover-slaves
xe host-list params=uuid,name-label,host-metrics-live
xe vm-reset-powerstate resident-on=UUID-OF-FAILED-MASTER --force --multiple
now when I try to start a VM on the old slave that is now the master, I get the following,
Error parameters: , The VDI is not available [opterr=VDI b4354ed7-3042-4874-93b4-59a392c43027 already attached RW],
I'd tried everything I can find online to fix this, the only way I'd been able to fix the important VMs was to vdi-forget them, then relabel/readd them to the VMs and start. That works, but is that REALLY the only way to fix this problem?