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Re: [Minios-devel] [UNIKRAFT PATCH v3 2/8] plat/linuxu: Add linuxu (x86_64) timer support

Hi Costin,

On 06/14/2018 04:12 PM, Simon Kuenzer wrote:
+static int timer_handler(void *arg __unused)
+       /* Yes, we handled the irq. */
+       return 1;

After I discussed this with Yuri, I think I understand what's going on here. (You only use the interrupt to wake up, right?) But the comment left me stumped a bit, because you are actually not handling the interrupt, you just claim to have handled it while not doing anything. Can you write a short comment here why not doing anything is the correct behavior, at least for now?


Dr. Florian Schmidt
Research Scientist,
Systems and Machine Learning Group
NEC Laboratories Europe
Kurfürsten-Anlage 36, D-69115 Heidelberg
Tel.     +49 (0)6221 4342-265
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