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Re: [Xense-devel] xenwatch and xenswitch processes

I have the following question. I've used xen what i see in a DomU is the
xenswitch and xenwatch processes. When i have users on a system or a
firewall on DomU is hacked they know it's running on xen. Is there a way
to not show/hide these processes?

While you might be able to hide the processes (e.g., using a rootkit), I think that there's a larger issue here. It sounds like you're goal is to completely hide the fact that a machine is running in a domU. And, for better or worse, this is very hard to do.

Consider, for example, Red Pill. This small program can detect when it's running in a virtualized environment:



Bryan D. Payne
Graduate Student, Computer Science
Georgia Tech Information Security Center

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