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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Call for agenda items - Community Call 3rd October 2024

Hi all,

As the 3rd of October is a public holiday in Germany, I propose we postpone the call by a week to the 10th October. 
If there are any urgent issues to discuss or objections, please reply to this email. 

Kelly Choi
Community Manager

On Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 6:46 PM Kelly Choi <kelly.choi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

Please add your proposed agenda items below: 


CALL LINK: https://meet.jit.si/XenProjectCommunityCall

DATE: Thursday 3rd October 2024

TIME: 1500 UTC (4 pm UK time)

Note the following administrative conventions for the call:
* To allow time to switch between meetings, we plan on starting the
agenda at 15:05 UTC sharp.  Aim to join by 15:03 UTC if possible to allocate
time to sort out technical difficulties.

* If you want to be CC'ed please add or remove yourself from the
sign-up-sheet at https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/edit/D9vGzihPxxAOe6RFPz0sRCf+/

== Dial-in Information ==
## Meeting time
16:00 - 17:00 British time
Further International meeting times:

## Dial in details

Kelly Choi
Community Manager



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