It's a fresh Windows 10 Pro 22H2 installation.
I checked the device manager I can't find XEN drivers neither
hidden because I can't install any of them.
I exported the drivers with this command and I attached a picture
from the result: dism /online /export-driver /format:table
Üdvözlettel / Best Regards
Hegedüs Patrik
Maxmédia Kft
9900 Körmend Rákóczi u. 15.
Telefon: +36 94 593 300
Mielőtt kinyomtatná ezt az e-mailt, gondolja meg, valóban
szükséges-e! Napról napra kevesebb fa lesz a világon.
2024. 04. 15. 14:50 keltezéssel, Rob
Townley írta:
Is this a win11 machine upgraded from win10?
devMGMT.msc —> change view to see hidden
devices —> are there hidden xen drivers?
# generate table of non inbox drivers currently
installed with a command similar to the following, but not sure
on exact flag details, so become friendly with `dism.exe /online
/? | more `:
/online /export-drivers /format:table `
/? ` can generate list of drivers but also easier to
remove drivers.
and take a snapshot.
Have a bootable CD with drivers as well or
pre-download drivers and install directions to C:\ drive or
secondary drive.
Uninstall all the old xen related drivers. But
order of uninstall may matter.
Check for that Citrix registry key to reboot
automatically. You will need to google that.
/online /export-drivers /format:table `
Restart a couple times and try again.
I can't install Windows PV drivers on Windows 10 I
attached a screenshot with the error message.
The source of the drivers:
Earlier I don't have problem with the driver
installation on Windows 10 and 8.1.
Üdvözlettel / Best Regards
Hegedüs Patrik
Maxmédia Kft
9900 Körmend Rákóczi u. 15.
Telefon: +36 94 593 300
Mielőtt kinyomtatná ezt az e-mailt, gondolja meg,
valóban szükséges-e! Napról napra kevesebb fa lesz
a világon.