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Re: Popular Linux OS for dom0 with UEFI boot?

Am 18.05.2023 um 06:08 schrieb Ray Barnes <tical.net@xxxxxxxxx>:

(0 XP, but ...)
- outstanding documentation ! Gimme a Linux user who didn't solve a
problem in its distro without reading their docs/forums, even if not
using those distros !
- "raw" systems, close to unix philosophies
- highly and easily customizable to your needs, again thx to the docs
- Arch runs on RasPi/ARM, so can host a Xen dom0 (dunno about Gentoo).
It may help to have the same OS on desktops/laptops and ARM SBCs.

I appreciate the raw, close-to-the-earth way of doing things in Gentoo.  Unfortunately I need something more polished.

Just to add/clearify bit:

- Arch is „raw and unpolished“ - Gentoo is a completely different Distro with a high level repo (portage). Courious to see it as a same point.

- We use Gentoo since decades for Dom0 as most DomU (beside NetBSD for some special cases) because it offers smooth update pathes (no dependency hells), hardening out of the box and highest flexibility to adapt to hardware as application needs because it is a „source based distro“. 

I never would give my dom0 back to any of the binary distributions i work with on customer plattforms too.

just my .02$,


Niels Dettenbach



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