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Re: xen master: xl create hangs

On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 05:24:22PM +0100, Anthony PERARD wrote:
> I think that this `xl` process just wait for the domain to shutdown
> or die. When we run `xl create`, before exiting there's a fork/exec of
> xl which handle a few domain events, so it looks like this stack trace
> is expected (and look like the one I have). So it don't looks like to be
> the xl process that hangs.

I've got a patch to make use of `setproctitle()` to modify what shows as
the process name for this process.  Unfortunately `setproctitle()` is
*BSD-only, "libbsd" for Linux implements similar functionality and I've
been meaning to figure out how it works.

I definitely think this should be done, just haven't gotten around to
finding a proper way to do it.

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