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Re: [Xen-users] Issue with booting domU

El 15/09/15 a les 11.20, Ian Campbell ha escrit:
> On Sat, 2015-09-12 at 23:05 -0400, Geoffrey Tran wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have been trying to use Xen 4.5 in an openstack distribution,
>> using libvirt.  It works fine with booting the cirrosOS sample
>> images, but does not boot my custom image.  
>> The custom image is an Ubuntu 12.04 image, built according to
>> the instructions at:
>> http://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/content/ubuntu-image.html
>> This image was build on a separate server that uses KVM as it's
>> hypervisor.  Right now, the instance fails and I have pulled
>> the following log from libvirt:
> [... logs moved to the end and annotated...]
>> It looks like there is a timeout with waiting for "state 6"?
> Right. The toolstack seems to have locally attached the disk to dom0 (using
> a qdisk backend from qemu) in order to run pygrub, and then has been unable
> to unplug it again afterwards.
> It would be worth having a look in the log file for the dom0 instance of
> qemu (the one started by the xencommons script). I've no idea where that
> actually goes though :-/ Perhaps under /var/log/xen somewhere?

Sadly I think we don't have any log from the Qemu started by xencommons.
I've tried the same procedure under 4.6 and AFAICT it works fine, I've
been able to run pygrub against a qcow2 image without problems.

In order to get any error messages from Qemu, can you try to kill the
Qemu that runs on behalf of Dom0 (you can recognize it because it has
"-name dom0" on it's command line), then launch it without daemonizing
in order to catch any error messages:

# /path/to/qemu-system-i386 -xen-domid 0 -xen-attach -name dom0
-nographic -M xenpv -monitor /dev/null -serial /dev/null -parallel
/dev/null -pidfile /var/run/qemu-dom0.pid

Finally open a new console and try to launch the guest again.


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