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Re: [Xen-users] qemu-system-x86_64: -gfx_passthru: invalid option

On Sun, 2015-04-12 at 11:40 +0400, darkshvein l wrote:
> Hi. I trying to start windows with videocard. But with attached config
> only vnc works, not radeon card.
> if i remove line
> gfx_passthru=0
> and start
> then 
>  xl create  windows10
> Parsing config from windows10
> libxl: error: libxl.c:414:libxl__domain_rename: domain with name
> "windows10" already exists.

This is your error, I think. You already have a domain, which you should
shutdown destroy before starting it again, or use different names for
different domains.

I've been told that gfx_passthru is only needed for IGD (Intel)
graphics, so I suppose for Radeon you could omit it (but I know next to
nothing about gfx passthru, so that might be nonsense).


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