Hi there,
I'm running several
VMs within Xen, and now I'm trying to create/revert snapshots of
my VMs.
Along with Xen and
blktap2, another utility, vhd-util is also delivered, and
according to its description, i guess I can use it to
create/revert VM snapshots.
To create a snapshot
is actually easy, I just call
vhd-util snapshot -n aSnapShot.vhd -p theVMtoBackup.vhd
But when it comes to
reverting a snapshot, things get really annoying
The "revert" command
requires a mandatory argument "journal", like this:
vhd-util revert -n aSnapShot.vhd -j someThingCalledJournalOfWhichIHaveCompletelyNoIdea
And vhd-util expects
some info from the journal, which means it's not some empty file
you can write logs in.
But I've went
through the code and the internet, still get no idea where this
Journal comes from ??
Similar question is
asked http://xen.1045712.n5.nabble.com/snapshots-with-vhd-util-blktap2-td4639476.html but poor guy never get
Hope someone here
could help me out!!
Really appreciate