> Message du 31/01/13 18:40
> De : "Stéphane GAUDICHE"
> A : xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Copie à :
> Objet : [Xen-users] Xen LVM reducing HVM MS Windows guest disk
> Hello list,
I run xen 4.0 on a debian squeeze host with local lvm2 storage
I've got HVM VMs (Microsoft Windows) with 2 drives (c: [OS] & D: [Data]), file system: NTFS
I want to reduce the size of the D: drive of my HVMs.
By reading several articles and howtos across web,
1- I backup datas first outside the XenHost
2- then from MSWindows guest-OS, I managed to live-reduce the partition's size on the D: drive (from 150G to 50G) with the embedded tool "diskpart": "shrink" operator, it worked just fine.
3- I power off the HVM.
Now, from xen point of view, i got a Logical Volume called data_HVM_microsoft.img of (steal) 150G.
4- I was expecting to do an "lvreduce" to reduce the logical volume (the box) to 100G only
but what happen to the filesystem (contenant in the box),which is seen as a D: drive from the HVM with a small 50G NTFS partition from now)
Do I care about it?
I note that the logical volume were seen as Block-device from xen host file-system (not sure, but i guess it quite nomal due to LVM).
5-check lv
6-power on HVM
7-extend D: drive to 100G
Can anyone help to understand if am I right by following these step?