Thank you for your relpy.
The phenomenon is that if I delete
cpu.xml in /var/lib/xend/state, and excecute "xend restart", all will work fine
via port 9363 XenAPI.
(domid 65)
(vcpus_params ((cap 0) (weight 256)))
'ip= root=/dev/xvda1 4 ro console=hvc0'
(memory_static_min 0)
(HVM_boot_policy '')
(PV_bootloader '')
(pool_name Pool-0)
(auto_power_on False)
(memory_static_max 1073741824)
(cpus (() () () ()))
(actions_after_shutdown destroy)
(memory_dynamic_max 1073741824)
(memory_sharing 0)
(superpages 0)
(is_a_template False)
(PV_bootloader_args '')
(memory_dynamic_min 1073741824)
(VCPUs_live 0)
(target 0)
(actions_after_crash destroy)
(uuid 779f43ab-fd02-f4ac-b6c4-3615ca34e196)
(PV_ramdisk '')
(other_config ())
(name_label rvm)
(PV_kernel /srv/vm_kernels/vmlinuz-
(actions_after_reboot restart)
(VCPUs_at_startup 1)
(HVM_boot_params ())
(platform ((tsc_mode 0) (videoram 4) (pci ()) (nomigrate 0)))
(VCPUs_max 4)
(s3_integrity 1)
(Description '')
(pool_name Pool-0)
(bootloader '')
(vcpus 4)
(cpus (() () () ()))
(on_poweroff destroy)
(description '')
(on_crash destroy)
(uuid 779f43ab-fd02-f4ac-b6c4-3615ca34e196)
(bootloader_args '')
(name rvm)
(on_reboot restart)
(maxmem 1024)
(memory 1024)
(shadow_memory 0)
(vcpu_avail '15')
(features '')
(on_xend_start start)
(on_xend_stop ignore)
(start_time 1356184766.6)
(cpu_time 0.0)
(online_vcpus 0)
(kernel /srv/vm_kernels/vmlinuz-
'ip= root=/dev/xvda1 4 ro console=hvc0'
(superpages 0)
(videoram 4)
(pci ())
(nomigrate 0)
(tsc_mode 0)
(HV_START_LOW 18446603336221196288)
(FEATURES '!writable_page_tables|pae_pgdir_above_4gb')
(VIRT_BASE 18446744071562067968)
(GUEST_OS linux)
(HYPERCALL_PAGE 18446744071578849280)
(LOADER generic)
(PAE_MODE yes)
(ENTRY 18446744071586771456)
(XEN_VERSION xen-3.0)
(status 1)
(state --p---)
(store_mfn 6539509)
(console_mfn 6539508)
(protocol x86_64-abi)
(uuid eb74de22-2df6-3750-e712-b0bf44c87e59)
(bootable 1)
(dev xvda1:disk)
(uname tap:vhd:/srv/vm_apps/rvm/init.snap)
(mode w)
(backend 0)
(VDI '')
(protocol x86_64-abi)
(uuid af2eedff-85b5-4c6c-1317-908608c55c3b)
(bootable 0)
(dev /dev/xvda5:disk)
(uname tap:vhd:/srv/vm_apps/rvm/swap.vhd)
(mode w)
(backend 0)
(VDI '')
(bridge eth0)
(mac 00:16:3e:7b:11:c8)
(script /etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge)
(uuid 9123bb95-e1dc-d54f-523c-db2862b44415)
(backend 0)
(protocol vt100)
(location 2)
(uuid e2ab90c6-b3a2-d74a-5fe4-a643dbed8070)
without the relevant part of the domU config file noone will be even
able to guess. :)
2012/12/19 kevin.zhang@xxxxxxxxxxx <kevin.zhang@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
the purpose of libvirt is to provide an abstraction layer hiding all
xen features added since 2006 until they were finally understood and
copied by the kvm devs.