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Re: [Xen-users] Why adoption of Xen is high in VPS hosting/cloud providers


2012/12/25 howard chen <howachen@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Have been thinking this for a while, seems most popular/well known providers
> such as rackspace, aws, linode is using Xen or some sort of.
> What are the reasons it is so good for a hosting providers to use Xen?
> Especially when compared to competitive technologies such as KVM which
> RedHat has been promoting hard for a quite a while.
> Which factors are the main reason? Performance? Security? Isolation?

my main reasons to look at are:
PV mode offers very good performance per VM, but the key thing is it
offers much better scalability.
Also the Virtual Machines boot & install faster due to less "hardware"
being emulated.

The options for resource control are quite good.

I think the Xen concept of things (having a real hypervisor doing the
job instead of just a kernel module) is more in-line with what you're
used to in big iron setups. I feel some people hate this idea, but to
me it's always been important that my dom0 (or fancy stuff like driver
domains) all just is yet another virtual machine run by the


the purpose of libvirt is to provide an abstraction layer hiding all
xen features added since 2006 until they were finally understood and
copied by the kvm devs.

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