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[Xen-users] Lin/Win desktop/games rig with PEG pass-through

Hi all,

I'm planning a rig that has SuSE linux in Dom0 and Windows7 in a DomU with the 
PCIe video card passed through to the Win7-U and an AMD system's onboard 
video for the Linux system.

Couple xen-newbie questions: does my plan work in such that I intend to have 
the onboard video's DVI and the video card (at present an NV GTX-460) on the 
same monitor and switch between them? How will I direct the input devices, 
i.e. how do I tell which VM is active and takes keyb/mouse input?

Do I understand correctly that shutting down the Xen system will suspend the 
U-VMs automatically?

Is it acceptable to use the Dom0 SuSE for daily work (private use) or are 
there resons against it and I should rather use another DomU for that?

Now hardware: targetting an AMD platform, what board/cpu combo has proven to 
work with Win7 in a DomU and PCIe passthrough in the range of quad-core or 
better and a board/cpu combo that supports ECC RAM? (thinking about 16GB, so 
I'd go for unregistered modules, 4x4GB single ranked).



Version: 3.12
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b++(+++) DI+++ D- G++ e* h>++ r* y?

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