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Re: [Xen-users] Xen networking troubles

For a customer i received a pre-installed CentOS server with the basic Xen 
installation running on it. I also received a Public IP range with 6 IP 
adresses to use for the VM's.
The eth0 on the server does have a IP adres in a different net. 
There is also a eth1 in the server which isn't used.

Now i am in the process of create a (windows 2008) HVM, but i can't get this 
HVM connected to the internet by use of one of the public IP adresses given.

I tried this setup: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/360 but that 
didn't work for me.
I also tried to setup eth1 with one of my public IP adresses and get it 
connected to the xenbr0 bridge, but that didn't work either.

Can anyone give some clue's/guidance how to get this setup working?
Thanks a lot!

There are several options open but I'll suggest one using the spare eth1 
interface.  There are different ways to accomplish the bridge creation which 
will depend a bit on your setup.  Personally I am using Xen 4.1.2 and rely on 
my system network scripts for all the bridge and interface configuration.

1. Create a new bridge called breth1 on the system and add eth1 to it:
 # brctl addbr breth1
 # brctl addif breth1 eth1
Note it is not necessary to assign an IP to the eth1 interface on the dom0 for 
this to work.  That's only required if you want access to the dom0 via that 

2. Change your vif line in your HVM configuration to use the breth1 device
vif = [ 'bridge=breth1' ]

3. Configure the appropriate IP/netmask in your HVM

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