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Re: [Xen-users] [XCP] Host Disabled, License expired, Can't renable

Actually, AFAIK you don't need to change state.db on slaves, they are replaces by copy from master. But you need to shutdown every xapi in the pool.

On 27.11.2011 03:10, Errol Neal wrote:
Grant McWilliams  wrote:

Any takers on this? i've googled and searched old threads and they always seem 
to end with someone having to reinstall which is not possible for me at the 
I don't even know how I got into this state. I always thought XCP was free so I 
ignored the license warnings from XenCenter not thinking that my hosts would 
actually be disabled.
There isn't any point in reinstalling if I'm just going to encounter the same 
problem again :/ Was it because i was using XenCenter? If XenCenter wasn't in 
the picture, would my host have been disabled?

Thanks again..

The reason nobody was responding is we've all had this problem and we all fixed it 
the>same way (or we keep pushing the expire date out) which has already been 
mentioned.>Replacing ALL of the instances of expiry with a later date works. You need 
to get all>instances in all hosts though or it will just show up again.
Hey, thanks again for the response.
One of the things that is always difficult to convey to other forum users is 
when you've diligently searched out a matter and attempted the fixes that are 
common sense based and otherwise well documented. In my case, I was doing this, 
but I wasn't getting the result expected. I believe it had something to with 
the fact that I have ha enabled.
I disabled ha, shutdown xapi on both hosts, modified the dB on both hosts and 
restarted xapi. That did it!
Thanks for your patience and responses.

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