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Re: [Xen-users] Xen 4 + Debian Squeeze + one VM in route mode and another in nat mode

Le 06/08/2011 11:45, Thierry B a écrit :
> Le 04/08/2011 06:31, Todd Deshane a écrit :
>> Are you able to confirm that Xen is making use of these scripts? For
>> example, adding a set -x to the scripts and booting the guest to make
>> sure the scripts are being called. And/or manually checking that the
>> iptables rules are being put into place correctly Another approach is
>> described in this thread:
>> http://xen.markmail.org/search/?q=nat+networking#query:nat%20networking+page:1+mid:fksxauxxxqxotgz4+state:results
>> Which links to:
>> http://www.andrewsorensen.net/blog/post/nat-networking-in-debian-squeeze
>> Thanks, Todd 
> Yes I'm able to confirm that because it's vif-nat which give the static
> ip to vif-debianTest by modifiing that :
> routing_ip()
> {
>   #echo $(echo $1 | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2"."$3"."$4 + 127}')
>   echo $(echo $1 | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2"."$3"."254}')
> }
> I use a dedibox, and bridge mode is not authorized...I can only route
> with an ip failover that I have to buy or nat, and I'd like to have one
> VM which use an ip failover and other one NAT.
> Thanks.
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This is my complete rules :

# iptables -L -v | more

Chain INPUT (policy DROP 860 packets, 95727 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination

   18  2185 ACCEPT     all  --  lo     any     anywhere             anywhere

    8   792 ACCEPT     icmp --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere

 1065 83852 ACCEPT     tcp  --  eth0   any     lev92-4-88-164-133-124.fbx.proxad
.net  anywhere            tcp dpt:ssh
    5   544 ACCEPT     all  --  eth0   any     anywhere             anywhere
    0     0 ACCEPT     all  --  vif2.0 any     anywhere             anywhere

    0     0 ACCEPT     all  --  vif-debianTest any     anywhere             anyw

Chain FORWARD (policy DROP 11 packets, 528 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination

 1517  322K ACCEPT     all  --  eth0   any     anywhere             anywhere
   10   496 ACCEPT     all  --  eth0   any     anywhere             88-190-238-1
 1605  143K ACCEPT     all  --  vif2.0 any     anywhere             anywhere

    0     0 ACCEPT     all  --  vif-xenwinxp any     anywhere             anywhe
    0     0 ACCEPT     all  --  vif-debianTest any     anywhere             anyw
    0     0 ACCEPT     all  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere
        state RELATED,ESTABLISHED PHYSDEV match --physdev-out vif-debianTest
    0     0 ACCEPT     udp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere
        PHYSDEV match --physdev-in vif-debianTest udp spt:bootpc dpt:bootps
    0     0 ACCEPT     all  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere
        state RELATED,ESTABLISHED PHYSDEV match --physdev-out vif-debianTest
    0     0 ACCEPT     all  --  any    any     xenDebianTest        anywhere
        PHYSDEV match --physdev-in vif-debianTest

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 886 packets, 129K bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination

   24  2946 ACCEPT     all  --  any    lo      anywhere             anywhere

# iptables -L -t nat -v | more
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 1265 packets, 132K bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination

   11   528 DNAT       tcp  --  eth0   any     anywhere             anywhere
        tcp dpt:2222 to:

Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 27 packets, 1850 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination

  110  7826 SNAT       all  --  any    eth0    88-190-238-164.rev.dedibox.fr  an
ywhere            to:
    0     0 SNAT       all  --  any    any          anywhere
    0     0 SNAT       all  --  any    any     xenDebianTest        anywhere

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 21 packets, 1538 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination

Thanks :-)

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