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[Xen-users] Xen 4.0.1 on Centos 5.5 => virt-manager nok

Hello geeks,

I installed an Ubuntu 10.04 VM on Centos 5.5 domain0.

To reach my goal, I upgraded pygrub to be able to read the grub2.

First problem : under vnc, I do not have the mouse support :/ !

I upgraded xen to 4.0.1 with the "www.gitco.de" yum repository.

Ok I have now the mouse support, yeeaaaah !

But my virt-manager does not work !

I have this error :

"Unable to open a connection to the hypervisor"

"libvirt.libvirtError unable to connect to 'localhost:8000' : Connection refused"

I do not use virt-manager but I want to understand this error ;) !

Does someone have an idea ?

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