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Re: [Xen-users] Hi: Newbie intro.


That helps a lot.  Much of what you said matches what my impression was,
especially about Dom0.  I think in that case I will make a minimal
distro for that, and keep it simple.  At least until I decide a DomU
might not be adequate in some way, if ever.

With regards to partitioning, I think then what you're saying is that
Dom0 decides what partitions are visible to the DomU, and whether those
partitions are files on a Dom0 partition or if they're partitions on the
same "layer" so to speak.

So just guessing, I'm thinking that Dom0 would be the only thing that
needs to understand RAID/LVM and the DomUs could get by thinking it was
a plain file system.

Another thing:  I have this existing Gentoo, that I'm typing on.  Is
there some way to preserve it, or should I just figure on starting over?
Is there some way to wedge the hypervisor under it, in place?  Is that a
bad idea even if possible, or is it no big deal?

Thanks a lot, you've really helped.

-- Ken.

On Tue, 2010-08-10 at 08:02 +0100, Simon Hobson wrote:
> Ken wrote:
> >2.  Dom0 strategy:
> >I'm a bit confused as to the entire role of dom0.  Is this supposed to
> >be just a minimal command-line distro for drivers and Xen admin, or is
> >it a full-blown distro which also has Xen admin?  Do I want flexibility
> >or stability?  Rolling release or conservative non-rolling release?
> >Admin-only or do I live here?
> Dom0 is to Xen a bit like user root is to Unix style systems. Xen 
> loads first and sits on top of the hardware, but Xen itself doesn't 
> really have any way to interact with it. It loads Dom0 as the first 
> guest OS (and yes, even Dom0 is a virtual machine I believe) - and 
> gives it special privileges, such as being able to communicate with 
> the hypervisor and control it. Dom0 also gets direct access to all 
> hardware by default.
> It is customary that Dom0 is a "light" install - just containing what 
> you need to run the machine. It doesn't have to be, you can load up 
> all your GUI shells, user apps etc - but it's custom to keep Dom0 
> light because of it's privileged role and the fact that if you 
> compromise Dom0 then all the guests are compromised.
> So if you have a machine that is your desktop, then it's quite OK to 
> run Xen on it, use Dom0 as your "desktop machine" and fire up some 
> other guests as required. You just have to accept that if you 
> compromise your desktop machine, then the others are compromised too. 
> it would be a good way to get started and experiment - just not good 
> for running production services.
> >3.  Partitioning:
> >I'm currently using RAID per linux-only schemes.  Does Xen have its own
> >requirements and abilities for that, or is that entirely handled by
> >Dom0?
> >
> >Do I assign logical volumes directly to the DomUs with the proper
> >partitioning scheme or do I store everything on XFS in a big file and
> >let the DomU partition that file?
> >
> >Does it make sense still to segment the system out to different
> >partition types for performance, or what?  What's the strategy?
> Again, this is largely a matter of personal preference. In terms of 
> performance, then unless you take steps to segregate stuff (eg 
> keeping different bits of data on different drives), then the I/O 
> from all your guests shares the same disk I/O bottlenecks. In some 
> ways it could be said to be worse since you will typically have the 
> virtual disks for different machines spread across the disks and thus 
> ensure lots of head seeks.
> Xen does not handle any file systems on it's own, whatever containers 
> you use are transparent to the hypervisor. What type of container is 
> again a matter of preference.
> At one extreme, you can build a big filesystem for Dom0, and use file 
> to store the virtual disks for the guests. Personally I use block 
> devices and LVM - I create on logical volume per filesystem in each 
> DomU, and I don't partition them in the DomUs. This has the advantage 
> that each filesystem can be mounted in Dom0 without any hassles (ie 
> you can just "mount /dev/vg0/guest1root /mnt") and have access to the 
> file on the guests disks (but you must shut down the guest first).
> If you create a virtual disk and partition it inside the guest then 
> filesystems can still be mounted elsewhere, but there's an extra step 
> or two involved.
> One LV per filesystem also makes resizing filesystems a doddle - 
> shutdown guest, shrink filesystem if reducing size, resize LV, expand 
> filesystem. There is talk of it being possible to resize (expand) the 
> LV and trigger some signal to make the increased size visible to a 
> running Dom0, and then live-expand the filesystem.
> As mentioned above, many of the same performance issues arise, but 
> with some added complications because you are no longer considering 
> one "machine". If you do have a heavy I/O application, then you may 
> still want to take the usual steps of keeping that data on it's own 
> set of spindles and so on - Xen will let you do that, it really 
> doesn't care what you do.
> Dunno about the other questions.
> -- 
> Simon Hobson
> Visit http://www.magpiesnestpublishing.co.uk/ for books by acclaimed
> author Gladys Hobson. Novels - poetry - short stories - ideal as
> Christmas stocking fillers. Some available as e-books.
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