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Re: [Xen-users] Xen 4.0 on gentoo hotplug scripts problem?

  • To: Pasi Kärkkäinen <pasik@xxxxxx>
  • From: Andrew Lyon <andrew.lyon@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 21:52:24 +0100
  • Cc: xen-users List <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Delivery-date: Thu, 08 Apr 2010 14:08:50 -0700
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :cc:content-type:content-transfer-encoding; b=ghc6jpHtxaCnNaDwxkIGoxnzhRMX1QJr3BLGptVN2XPMXRYK1EmTvm6S+5o2k8A6+L AcoUY8KoLJbl5xrvXi6WERYJB0mdEcWDYPu/eQuyuMaz9RtUQWdD94+NZCXefEVuzAen JE73rXJ2DFByuLRsJ0pD4dL++XemwPX2p4KFs=
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On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 8:08 PM, Pasi KÃrkkÃinen <pasik@xxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 08, 2010 at 06:54:44PM +0100, Andrew Lyon wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Ive just tried Xen 4.0 on Gentoo with 2.6.32 (also tried 2.6.31)
>> forward ported dom0 kernel, Xen itself seems to boot up successfully
>> and everything else on the system is working normally, but when I try
>> to start a domain xm create appears to hang and eventually I get a
>> hotplug scripts error:
>> Error: Device 2049 (vbd) could not be connected.
>> /etc/xen/scripts/block failed; error detected.
>> Which logs and other data would be helpful in diagnosing this problem?
> Is there more information in "xm log" ?
> Or /var/log/xen/qemu*
> -- Pasi

This is what happens when I start the vm:

xm create -c Gentoo-32-test.cfg
Using config file "./Gentoo-32-test.cfg".

    pyGRUB  version 0.6
 â Gentoo Linux 2.6.32-xen                                                â
     Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted.
     Press enter to boot the selected OS. 'e' to edit the
     commands before booting, 'a' to modify the kernel arguments
     before booting, or 'c' for a command line.

     Will boot selected entry in 28 seconds

# Error: Device 2049 (vbd) could not be connected.
/etc/xen/scripts/block failed; error detected.

xm log:

[2010-04-08 21:45:55 4069] INFO (SrvDaemon:220) Xend exited with status 0.
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] INFO (SrvDaemon:332) Xend Daemon started
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] INFO (SrvDaemon:336) Xend changeset: unavailable.
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:149)
XendDomainInfo.recreate({\047max_vcpu_id\047: 1, \047cpu_time\047:
10944865631L, \047ssidref\047: 0, \047hvm\047: 0,
\047shutdown_reason\047: 0, \047dying\047: 0, \047online_vcpus\047: 2,
\047domid\047: 0, \047paused\047: 0, \047crashed\047: 0,
\047running\047: 1, \047maxmem_kb\047: 17179869180L, \047shutdown\047:
0, \047mem_kb\047: 7751116L, \047handle\047: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], \047blocked\047: 0, \047name\047:
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] INFO (XendDomainInfo:167) Recreating domain
0, UUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. at /local/domain/0
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:3400) Storing VM
details: {\047on_xend_stop\047: \047ignore\047, \047shadow_memory\047:
\0470\047, \047uuid\047: \04700000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\047,
\047on_reboot\047: \047restart\047, \047image\047: \047(linux (kernel
) (superpages 0) (nomigrate 0) (tsc_mode 0))\047, \047on_poweroff\047:
\047destroy\047, \047bootloader_args\047: \047\047,
\047on_xend_start\047: \047ignore\047, \047on_crash\047:
\047restart\047, \047xend/restart_count\047: \0470\047, \047vcpus\047:
\0472\047, \047vcpu_avail\047: \0473\047, \047bootloader\047:
\047\047, \047name\047: \047Domain-0\047}
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1804) Storing domain
details: {\047description\047: \047\047, \047console/limit\047:
\0471048576\047, \047memory/target\047: \0477751116\047, \047vm\047:
\047/vm/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\047, \047domid\047:
\0470\047, \047cpu/0/availability\047: \047online\047,
\047cpu/1/availability\047: \047online\047,
\047control/platform-feature-multiprocessor-suspend\047: \0471\047,
\047console/type\047: \047xenconsoled\047, \047name\047:
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] DEBUG (XendDomain:464) Adding Domain: 0
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] DEBUG (XendDomain:398) number of vcpus to use is 0
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1891)
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] ERROR (XendDomain:353) Unable to open or
parse config.sxp:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/xen/xend/XendDomain.py",
line 344, in _managed_domains
    cfg = XendConfig.XendConfig(filename = cfg_file)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/xen/xend/XendConfig.py",
line 342, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/xen/xend/XendConfig.py",
line 857, in _sxp_to_xapi
    cfg = self._parse_sxp(sxp_cfg)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/xen/xend/XendConfig.py",
line 805, in _parse_sxp
    self.parse_cpuid(cfg, \047cpuid\047)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/xen/xend/XendConfig.py",
line 610, in parse_cpuid
    cfg[field][input] = dict(regs)
ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] WARNING (XendAPI:705) API call:
VBD.set_device not found
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] WARNING (XendAPI:705) API call:
VBD.set_type not found
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] WARNING (XendAPI:705) API call:
session.get_all_records not found
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] WARNING (XendAPI:705) API call:
event.get_record not found
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] WARNING (XendAPI:705) API call:
event.get_all not found
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] WARNING (XendAPI:705) API call:
VIF.set_device not found
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] WARNING (XendAPI:705) API call: VIF.set_MAC not found
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] WARNING (XendAPI:705) API call: VIF.set_MTU not found
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] WARNING (XendAPI:705) API call:
debug.get_all not found
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] INFO (XMLRPCServer:156) Opening Unix domain
socket XML-RPC server on /var/run/xend/xen-api.sock; authentication
has been disabled for this server.
[2010-04-08 21:46:55 3763] INFO (XMLRPCServer:156) Opening Unix domain
socket XML-RPC server on /var/run/xend/xmlrpc.sock.

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