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Re: [Xen-users] Help on upgrade Xen3 in CentOS5.4 to Xen3.4.2

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 6:10 PM, KC LO <kclo2000@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> After upgrade, I got several problems : -
> 1) In past Xen3.0, I can use script to create xenbr0 and additional
> xenbr1-5 for my six NICs.  I can then use the config file to assign
> different xenbr[x] to different DomU.  However, I can't find xenbr0
> under ifconfig now.

I think the default bridge name is eth0 under Xen 3.4.x

>  How can I add additional xenbr[1-5].  I have
> followed the link of xen.org to create the my_network_script script
>  more my_network_script
> #!/bin/sh
> dir=$(dirname "$0")
> "$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=0 netdev=eth0 bridge=xenbr0
> and run my_network_script start.  However, no output display and still
> can't find xenbr0

Perhaps that's because the bridge is already created? See "brctl show".
Try using that script on xend-config.sxp, and reboot.

Personally I gave up using the bundled network-bridge script a long
time ago. I simply create bridges manually using RHEL's config files
(/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*) and comment-out
network-script entry on xend-config.sxp.

> 2) I have used virt-install to create several DomU guest linux through
> http install.  In previous Xen3.0, it will generate
> the configuration file under /etc/xen.  But I can't find the
> configuration file now.  After I shutdown the guest DomU, it still
> appears under xm list without ID.  I want to get the configuration
> file back so that I can perform modification.

newer version have config files managed by xend. You're only supposed
to change them using commands like "xm mem-set", "xm block-attach",
and so on (or from frontends like virt-manager).

You could however work around that by:
- find the appropriate config under
/var/lib/xend/domains/*/config.sxp. You can find the appropriate uuid
using the command "virsh domuuid your-domU-name"
- copy that file to /etc/xen/your-domU-name.sxp
- shutdown domU
- "xm delete your-domU-name"
- edit the sxp config file as needed. Note that this is sxp-style config file.
- "xm new -F /etc/xen/your-domU-name.sxp"
- "xm start your-domU-name"


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