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RE: [Xen-users] Extremely poor iSCSI performance

Looking a little more at it. It appears that the volume is dismounting and 
remounting itself. Now it is just identifying why.. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Couchman [mailto:Nick.Couchman@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 2:29 PM
To: Joseph Coleman; 'xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Extremely poor iSCSI performance

Oh, and this happens on both FC and iSCSI-attached storage for me.


>>> On 2010/01/22 at 10:46, "Nick Couchman" <Nick.Couchman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I see similar behavior with OCFS2 on my 4 and 2-node clusters.  Usually this 
> happens when I'm creating a new disk file...since OCFS2 does not support 
> sparse disks it actually creates the whole disk, and I often see large hangs 
> while this is happening.  I suspect that OCFS2 is the cause - I think 
> something about the file locking on the OCFS2 cluster causes this.
> -Nick
>>>> On 2010/01/22 at 08:28, Joseph Coleman <joe.coleman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
>>>> wrote:
>> Hi all not sure if anyone can help  but I have an OCFS2 volume setup on my 4 
>> xen  nodes. If you do like 4  cp copies to the iscsi volume the systems 
> pause 
>> for up to 30 seconds as well as the VM itself. The San looks fine and I am 
>> not taxing the xen server either anyone else seen this?
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