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Re: [Xen-users] OT - mostly

Quoting "Fajar A. Nugraha" <fajar@xxxxxxxxx>:

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 3:07 AM,  <jonr@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have a distro that I have to use at work that is custom built. There is no
way for me to install it as a pv so I am trying to figure out how to make an
iso that I can then use for an http install. It is already a bootable iso
but the directory structure does not work with virt-install.

Can anyone point me to a doc that is not distro centered that would explain
how to create a http repository and what is needed to make virt-install use

I don't think virt-install can use http install for HVM guest.
What are you trying to do? Install HVM guest? If yes, just use the
bootable ISO.
For most distros you can then convert it to a PV guest later using
either one of the working kernel-xen packages from other distros or a
self-compiled xen/pv_ops kernel.

If you're trying to install it as PV guest but virt-install doesn't
support it (like for Debian/Ubuntu), it might be easier to copy
xen-compatible kernel and initrd to dom0 and create Xen configuration
file by hand.


Thanks Fajar,

I am trying to use virt-install to install a paravirtual guest using a custom OS that I have to use at work. I think the best solution is to install it by hand.

I am using LVMs as the disks, do I have this right..

I need to download a pv-ops kernel, is there one that is currently preferred?

#Loopback mount the .iso for the os and copy the filesystem into a loopback mounted lvm, say, /mnt/domU
#cp the pv-ops kernel into /mnt/domU/usr/src/
#chroot into /mnt/domU
#Configure kernel then, make && make modules_install && make install, it for my system.
#Create an initramfs.

Does that sound good or am I missing it completely?


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