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[Xen-users] Re: Newbie Question: Xen Server & Linux Xen Dom0 Differences and a usage query

Hi Sanjay,

Sanjay Arora schrieb:
> Hello All
> I was planning to Implement Xen using Linux Xen dom0 based install
> when I saw an Ad stating that Xen had made its Xen Server free of cost
> (wonder if their business model is now only support?) with Tools &
> Management Application. I would like to know what are the issues
> involved and Pros & cons of using Linux Dom0 Server vs. Xen Server
> free.

If you need easy and (relative) fast installation of DomU's and
managability you should use XenServer from Citrix. If you need
flexibility and PCI Passthrough, you have to use Xen from a Distro of
your flavor (i prefer Debian).

> I assume domU machines will be portable among the two.

Haven't trieb to port machines, but it is primariliy depends on
identical hardware (especially if you need full virtualization).

> Also, I'd like to know if a non GUI Linux dom0 install or non GUI Xen
> Server can provide a domU where user can get local GUI access to the
> domU machine. I am using parallels on my mac. Basically what I am
> asking is that can I use my high end workstation to install Xen
> Server/Xen Linux dom0 and then install couple of low requirements domU
> machines on it, in addition to installing my desktop machine in domU,
> essentially getting my desktop machine plus a few servers on the
> workstation itself, using Xen. Not using RDP or other remote protocols
> to view the desktop machine, get it on the xen machine locally.

Xen provides the GUI of a DomU as VNC-Server or in cases of Windows
machines as VNC- and RDP-Server. For your desktop machine you could try
to pass your graphics card through to your DomU and use this (seen some
posts for this topic on the list here and in the www).

> Target is to virtualize & commoditize applications, e.g. my
> workstation has an instance of postgreSQL running and another of
> TinyDNS and I would like to virtualize them into seperate servers, to
> be commoditized for any machine that requires them.

I would suggest to setup a server without Gui for Postgres and TinyDNS,
e.g. a Debian Lenny or what you prefer, and connect with ssh to this
machine. Saves a lot of ressources, that you need for your desktop ;-)

> Comments & Critique of approach wanted. Shoestring budget.

I personally prefer the community Xen versions as written before. But i
also have to work with Citrix and Management is pretty easy, BUT you
need a Windows machine to install the management software or use the
console with a lot of long long parameters, no config files to edit
directly :-)

Greetings Peter

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