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[Xen-users] xen 3.4-pre3 - installation freeze at latex src/user.tex


I'm trying to compile a xen-3.4.0-rc3 but pre-compilation stops with:

install-m0644-p mini-os-x86_32-grub/mini-os.gz "/ opt/xen-unstable.hg/dist/install/usr/lib/xen/boot/pv-grub-x86_32.gz" make [2]: Leaving directory `/ opt / xen-unstable.hg / stubdom ' sh. / docs / check_pkgs & & make-C docs install | | true make [2]: input to the `/ opt / xen-unstable.hg / docs' *latex* *src / user.tex**> / dev / null*

At this point I have to press the Enter key, and then goes further and compilation shows, among other things, something like this:

Please type another input file name ! Emergency stop. <*> ...:= Ljfour; mag: = 1; nonstopmode; input pcrr7t

Transcript written on mfput.log. grep: pcrr7t.log: No such file or directory mktextfm: `mf-news-progname = mf \ mode: = ljfour; mag: = 1; nonstopmode; input pcrr7t 'failed to make pcrr7t.tfm.



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