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Re: [Xen-users] Re: 1/2 OFF-TOPIC: How to use CLVM (on top AoE vblades) instead just plain LVM for Xen based VMs on Debian 5.0?

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Thiago Camargo Martins Cordeiro
<thiagocmartinsc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'll need the GNBD in somewhere?

I highly suggest you don't. Seriously.
industry-standard iscsi will be a better option compared to gnbd.

> Sorry for the off-topic, but I doing some research to find out a better low
> cost storage to Xen clusters. I'm learning about moving my dom0s to
> OpenSolaris, to install ZFS and see its pool storage capabilities... ZFS can
> be what I need to the storage, but OpenSolaris is good to be a dom0? Like
> Linux 2.6.18 is?

Well, one things for sure, it's MUCH harder to replace hypervisor on
opensolaris. So you're basically stuck with whatever's present in
Opensolaris (as of now it's Xen 3.1.4). Plus there are other
differences compared to Linux dom0.


So in summary, if you're used to Linux dom0, I'd highly suggest you
keep it that way and use Opensolaris only for storage server exporting
iscsi to Linux dom0s.

> I have 20 dom0, each with 2 500GB discs, totalizing 20T of storage space in
> my network. So, I want to make a "big-redundant-array" with this 40 discs.
> So, if one, maybe two or even five dom0s are out, all my data and my VMs
> will be available. Only the cluster administrator will receive a note about
> the dom0 failures.
> For now, if I see the CLVM on top of AoE in my Debian 5.0, some things will
> be clarified in my mind...   =)

CLVM usually requires that you already have a centralized, shared
storage (SAN or NAS). If the storage is distributed on each server,
you might want to take a look at DRBD instead.

You might be able to run CLVM on top of DRBD, but IMHO for your
purpose that would only complicate things.



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