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Re: [Xen-users] Best way to use Xen to segment & protect

Rick Flower wrote:

Is it possible to have a domU mount a different filesystem than dom0?
Sorry for the numerous questions...
Not quite sure what you mean here.

I'm wondering if the dom0 could effectively only load the bare minimum in terms of filesystems that it needs to run the other domU's -- particularly if all critical services are being done in domU spaces (mail, pgsql, webapps,etc). That way each domU could mount the specific filesystems they need to work... This would perhaps allow me to have a special domU for my private data that perhap mounts an encrypted filesystem that the others don't mount.. Obviously if that special f/s is mounted in dom0 then it doesn't really help if a security breach occurs -- perhaps...

Dom0 and DomUs don't share a filesystem - unless you put some effort into it and run something like a clustering filesystem that allows multiple machines to share a volume. Dom0 has it's own filesystems, each DomU has it's own filesystems that look to it just like they were on real disks - they can be stored in a file on a Dom0 filesystem rather than having their own partition, but that's not the same as sharing a filesystem.

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